Shipping & Handling:
  1. We ship via UPS, therefore orders cannot be delivered to post office boxes.
  2. We only ship within the continental United States. No shipment to Hawaii or Alaska.
  3. Please allow up to 10 days for delivery upon receipt of your order.  If ordering for a specific event or holiday please order accordingly.
  4. Items are subject to availability.
  5. All prices are subject to change without notice.
  6. Customers are responsible for checking that all shipping information is correct before submitting an order as well as in their order confirmation email.
  7. Once item has been shipped there can be no changes made to the transaction.
  8. Dimitria Delights is not responsible for delays in transit caused by high package volume, weather, mechanical error, strikes, natural disasters, terrorism safety control, or inaccurate shipping information, and we do not require a signature for the release of any shipment

$9.95 per item.  This will be calculated at checkout.

Please add an additional $5.00 for items weighing over 15lbs.

Returns Policy:

* Returns must be communicated to Dimitria Delights Inc. within 48 hours of receiving the product.

* We do not offer cash refunds, only exchanges at this time.

* If an item arrives damaged or spoiled, our Customer Service team will work with you to determine an appropriate solution.